Monday, September 5, 2011

When There isn't Enough to Go Around

I can't seem to help thinking it, and it slips past my lips several times, "there really needs to be at least three of me to do all that needs to be done..."

The needs multiply faster than the minutes that are slipping away. I am even more rapidly nearing the end of my strength and resources.

I go to the One who orchestrated these situations and needs and my being here at this time and I ask Him, kinda pointing it out in case He has missed it, that all these hungry people should probably be sent somewhere else because even with those He has called me to serve Him with, we are way outnumbered.There seems to be at least five thousand of them, and only a few of us. And, I am acutely aware and whisper exhausted, only one of me.

He says "They do not need to go away. You give them something to eat."


I want to burst into tears. LORD... I. Don't. Have. Enough. To. Go. Around.

He smiles gently into my exhausted face. "Bring them here to me."

I do. Knees to the earth that my Help formed with the words of His mouth, I lift my eyes up to heaven and bring the starving throng of souls to rest at His feet.

I give back to Him all that I have. The few pieces of Himself that are left in me at this late hour.

His correction is His encouragement. His rod and His staff, they comfort me

"You forget, my beloved, I am the Bread of life. There is always more than enough. When you are running low, just come back to Me."

Then it happens. And this, this is what brings the tears to my eyes. I see the willing, thankful, breaking of the Bread that multiplies to fill to overflowing all the overwhelmingly famished.

I pass around more than enough to each person. He lets my hand be the one to give a piece of Him, He lets me see it in their faces. I stand back and wrap my arms grateful around my own basket, full, seeing Him fill them all up.  

I am here, whole, tears streaming over His brokenness. "LORD... You met that need too... and this one... and this..."

All I am doing is sharing Him.

They all ate and were satisfied. 

It is because of His endless power, ability, resources that:

"In the morning, O LORD, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation."
Psalm 5:3

How can I keep from sharing pieces of His love? Saying thank You here each Monday... My cup overflows...


*husband praying for direction in work

*God speaking the reference Philippians 4:13 to him, he didn't know what the verse said before he looked it up, he wasn't "raised in church", his joy of God telling him so clearly he could do all things through Christ

*God directing his thoughts 

*God helping my feet hit the floor... getting out of bed in the still-dark hours so I wouldn't miss the moment of his sharing

*being able to ask The LORD questions

*regaining some awareness, sensitivity, to the evil, the vileness of "acceptable" sins

*His mercies, new this morning

*the wind

*husband calling me to him, just to sit outside and listen with him

*stars and a half-dipped moon

*children reminding me of the necessity, the health, the goodness, the gift, of needing regular food, sleep, discovery, play, rest

*a long weekend

*He is more than enough

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."
Philippians 4:6-7

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Rejoicing in more than enough ...

Delighted to meet you today. I hope you don't mind if I splash around a bit to get to know you. This looks like a refreshing place to dip into some serious goodness.


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