How much frustration would I avoid every day if I remembered that this is His story? How would I view that unexpected phone call? That change in plans?How differently would I view each eternal being I come in contact with?
I have been in His story for 25 years. In a story, each person is ultimately seen through the eyes of the main character. How close they are to that being is how much relevance they have in the story. If my 25 years were written down... what would that look like?
... a child, constantly cared for, completely unaware of the protection and provision...
... a teenager, ungrateful, deceitful, rebellious, hateful. Distracting others away from Him. Spitting in His face. An antagonist. I don't recognize this King in paupers clothes. He calls me Home everyday. I refuse to answer ...
... lost in the labyrinth of a self made web. Broken and unable to find the way home. Crying in the lonely darkness. Sought for and found by Him. Lifted from the thorns, though they scar His hands, and carried patiently in strong, loving arms all the long road back to safety.
... He tirelessly nurses His loved one back to Health...
... when I come to my senses I find myself in a palace, loved and cared for by the Prince of Peace Himself...
... a young woman, wooed and won over, forgiven and healed. My blindness falls away as I draw closer to the Light. Now I see Him dimly. I am grateful for this soft focus, His beauty is painfully breath-taking. He is more than mortal eyes can bear, tears drop hot and fast...
... He wipes away every tear...
... I fall for Him hard...
... He asks for my hand in marriage. I accept!...
... He takes me everywhere. He has been waiting, excited to show me as much as I can bear...
... honeymoon over, the daily grind sets in, and true love is challenged, grows, goes deeper...
... He opens my eyes wider. I see Him everywhere, in everyone. I must share Him like I must breathe. I shout to others " I see Him in you! Do you see? Look here, and here, and here! He loves you so..."
... now happily married best friends. How can my heart even bear the honor of being His bride? I want to serve Him, and those He loves, all my life. Like so many others I pledge " I will follow wherever You lead. "...
For now, eternity is crammed into 24 hour days. How do I use them wisely? Where do I see The Main Character? I will try to follow Him.
Hold my hand Lord Jesus, take me with You! I want to work wherever You work, I want to play when You say "enough work!", I want to listen when You speak. And when the day is done, let me not try to find rest anywhere else. I want to sleep in Your arms. May my story whisper Your name...
"Thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumphal procession in Christ and through us spreads everywhere the knowledge of him. For we are to God the aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing."~ 2 Cor. 2:14-15
This made me tear up.
How often I forget its all about Him even though everything around me shouts His glory and love.
Thank you for this beautiful reminder.
Thanks Elise. Reading your blogs are always such a blessing.
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