Tuesday, April 5, 2011

A Quiet Thanks

Sometimes, saying less helps me to only say what I really mean.

So today, though a day late, with all my full-heart I give a quiet thanks...

#372 productive work
#373 Husband who watches kids while I exercise
#374 sweet, smeared little handprints on glass windows and doors
#375 sister who volunteered to serve in the nursery in my place, knowing my limited energy
#376 all-day nausea that means I am blessed again, let the sacrificial bonding continue!
#377 the sound of sleeping
#378 sister-in-law who offered babysitting in place of the previously scheduled, now ill, family members
#379 a good report upon returning from work
#380 progress on Selah's adoption
#381 a hard message sent
#382 Baby girl talking more and more
#383 Husband calling-just because
#384 not enough time or energy to do it all-being forced to focus and prioritize
#385 a sister visit
#386 deep love between family
#387 not having to explain myself, just being myself
#388 a long-desired reconnection in a relationship
#389 the Word encouraging

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