What if you could ask God those questions that are burning a hole through your soul, and hear His response?
In this last year, I've learned how to hear from God directly through prayer.
It has changed my life.
Hearing the Word Himself has been a very personalized, glorious lamp to my weary feet, and a light to my stumbling path.
Hearing directly from Him is something that before, I barely even let myself dream about. It seemed too good to be true, that His sheep could hear His voice, and know it was Him. It seemed very Old Testament prophet. Very third-world Christian. Very special and select for those with big soul-ears and pure hearts and quiet, Quaker-like lives.
Not for someone like me.
How that must have wounded His heart for me to believe, live, and pray as if He couldn't speak in a way I could hear Him, or, simply that He would not speak to me.
He has. He does.
Not because I'm "special". He speaks to me because He has always wanted to speak to each of us, all it takes is truly wanting to hear from Him. He is teaching me how to listen.
"Come and listen to my counsel. I'll share my heart with you and make you wise."
~Proverbs 1:23 NLT
"Look! I stand at the door and knock. If you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in, and we will share a meal together as friends."
~Rev. 3:20
"Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you."
~James 4:8
I want to share with you everything I'm learning so you can have this Heaven, too!
So I'm writing a free ebook about what I've been learning, about this way I'm beginning to listen, about this gift of learning to hear. I'm going to share some things He has said, and how He has communicated, and how He has forever changed my understanding of prayer.
Prayer is often a private thing, even in homes where the parents believe and love Him. How often is it said that prayer is a critical element to grow in relationship with Christ? But so many, simply put, don't how to begin this relationship of speaking to, and hearing from, God.
I am certainly not an expert on prayer, or God, if there ever was, or even could be, such a person. I can't offer much insight, but all I have I will gladly give!
I want to pull back that curtain a bit on prayer, into that holy space where He longs and delights to sit with His beloved(you), because there is no lasting reason to get up every morning if it isn't for Love.
I just want to make this last statement: It is true. God loves you and longs to speak directly to you. Yes, you.
Let your heart hope.
If you even have a sliver of hope, that is already Him drawing you to Himself. He is Hope, and there is no hope without Him.
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