Thursday, February 10, 2011

A Picture from Seven Years Ago

I can barely breathe.

Preparing for the abortion education class I'm going to teach tomorrow has taken an unexpected turn.

One thing I've been doing is reading Unplanned by Abby Johnson. It's strange to read about her experiences, some so like mine, and to know so well the campus (Texas A&M) where she had such life forming years. Two of my younger sisters have attended A&M(one still does), and many close friends have gone/still go there as well. If you haven't read the book yet, I highly recommend it.

I have also heard that she will be speaking at the Pregnancy Center's fall banquet this year. I will definitely be there.

In one part of the book she writes about finally looking in her own patient file to see the standard ultrasound photo of her baby before her abortion. And an idea struck me maybe Planned Parenthood has a picture of my baby on file.

If there is a picture of my baby on this earth, I want it.

I have called an asked for a medical release form to be faxed to me so they can release my file, and hopefully an ultrasound picture of my baby, to me.

Somedays, because the abortion happened seven years ago and I am such a different woman now, it doesn't even seem real that I had one.

Today it does.

I feel sick.

Jesus holds me together. He always does. He always, always does.


Jennifer said...

I am definitely planning to check out the book and I am also praying that in your file they will have a picture of your sweet baby for you. I believe that just as Jesus is holding you together here, he is also in Heaven holding your little one in His loving hands. I hope your class goes well!

Elise said...

*thank you* my friend!

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