Friday, July 30, 2010

To Remember the Value of THIS 24 Hours

She is already losing her baby-ness.

She toddles now, arms outstretched, expression of knowing her own accomplishment bringing joy to all who watch her teetering, balancing, grinning movements.

Yesterday in the store, step by step, she walked away from me. She saw something she wanted more than to hold onto my hand.

It won't be long until I blink and she is 5, and more interested in playing and going than being held by me. It is right that they grow up. It is wrong if I should miss it.

Her expressions and discoveries are a once-in-a lifetime joy each day. Never the same. The bittersweet beauty of mortality.

I see it in my Sisters faces(well, Sisters-in-law for the sake of not being confusing). I love the new mom questions(to anyone around their baby) of "did you see it??" and "look, you're missing it!!...". Each expression is precious and not to be lost. Moms don't let even one drop away unappreciated.

Slowing down to catch all the baby-ness...

My Beloved Nephew: Ezra Joel Duncan

My Precious Niece, "Little Match" as Husband calls her: Eva Grace Duncan

"My days are swifter
than a runner... They skim past
like boats of papyrus."
~Job 9:25-26

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Babies! =)
even I do the "did you see that!" and they aren't even my kids, haha =)

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